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Website Terms and Conditions

Last update: 01/01/2020

By using our website, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions set out below. Please read them thoroughly if you wish to use our site. If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions, you should not continue to use It is your responsibility to understand these terms and conditions before you access our site. You should be at least 18 years old and have the authority to accept the legal implications of using this site.

Check these conditions regularly for changes. We are free to change our terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice. All use of our site after we have updated our terms and conditions is subject to the newest version of the published terms and conditions.

By using our site, you are agreeing not to use any information or material unlawfully or in breach of our terms and conditions. If you use material and information from this site unlawfully or in breach of these terms and conditions, you will be subject to legal action.

Information on this site, use of this site, and any issues that arise between you and us are governed by English law. By using this site, you agree that any issue that arises between us will be resolved by the Courts of England and Wales, with the exclusion of courts from any other country.

The content on this site is the exclusive property of us and our suppliers. This includes, but is not limited to text, design elements, visual content, audio, data, and software. It is protected by copyright and only available to be published and distributed by us. All rights reserved.

If you wish to use any of our content, you may only do so for private use. You have permission to download a single copy or print a single copy of content from our site but only for private purposes. Unless you have our explicit written consent in advance, you may not reproduce content and materials from this site or share them to other networks. Unless you have our explicit written permission, you do not have the right to use the content, information, and materials of this website publicly or for profit. Trademarks and logos on our site are our intellectual property and you do not have a legal right to use them without our explicit written permission.

We, our suppliers, and our operators make no claims to the accuracy of the representations on this site. We try our best to keep the information and content on this site accurate, trustworthy, and up-to-date but we can make no warranties as to the accuracy, reliability, and suitability of any of the information, services, products, or any other content on this site. Using or relying on content from this site is at your own risk. We will not be liable for any consequential losses or damages to data or profit as a result of you using or relying on content and materials from this site.

We, our suppliers, and our operators make no warranties or representations to the standards of the services offered through this site. We, our suppliers, and our tour operators will not accept liability for the performance of services offered through this site.

Any charges, fees, or other costs incurred from using our site are your financial responsibility. We make every effort to keep our site running smoothly but if the site is unavailable or difficult to access for reasons outside our control, we accept no responsibility for this. We will not accept responsibility or liability for any losses resulting from your dependence on this site, and delay or difficulty accessing this site.

Links on this website to external parties are not under the control of Luxury Chalet Company. We have no influence on the content and availability of these sites. Links to other sites are not an indication of a recommendation or endorsement of the content on the external site or any of the views expressed on them.

If any of the conditions of this site or limitations of these conditions are found to be unlawful or unenforceable, they will be omitted or adapted to comply. This would have no effect on the validity or enforceability of any of the other conditions.